Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Crack.  And other unfortunate events...

This past Sunday I went out for my long run on a cold, snow flurrying late afternoon.  It was a beautiful time to run with the snow swirling and whirling around me.  I ran to my favorite spot in Cincincinnati, Eden Park.

I ran past the Krohn Conservatory to Mirror Lake to find more activity focused individuals embracing the winter weather.  

Overall, it was a very peaceful run.  

I made my loop and was at about 8.5 miles of my 10 mile run when I got this stabbing pain in my left ankle, with a subtle 'crack' in the same place.  It was strange.  I was running on a flat surface.  I didn't trip on anything; and yet this pain was intense.  I modified my pace for about .25 miles then I had to stop all together.  I stretched all that I could think to stretch.  Still pretty intense pain.  I tried to run the last 1.5 miles without success.  I stepped off my ankle and there was the same (if not worse) immediate and intense stabbing pain.

Like I said, the run, up until this point was incredible peaceful and revitalizing.  I wasn't going to end it pushing myself past my limits.  I thought to myself, "Okay Erin, take care of yourself." And I walked the rest of the way home, albeit with a moderate amount of limping. 

That night, although painful, felt like I needed to stretch my leg out a bit.  I tried doing different stretches.  I even did some yoga, thinking that might be what I needed, in addition to ice, compression and elevation.

I worked the following day (Monday) and scheduled an appointment as soon as I could (with the help of my awesome colleagues giving me suggestions on places where I could be seen the fastest- which is really helpful info for a gal not originally from this place).  

I switched work schedules, made an appointment with an MD.  It wasn't surprising what he told me:  stress fracture.  There was no real bruising or swelling but only pinpoint pain on the bone and inability to bear weight on the extremity.  "You need to shut it down for at least 2 weeks.  I'll give you a boot and you'll be in it for 4-6 weeks."  Again, I'm not shocked.  We talked about other cardiovascular exercises I could do while not using my ankle (my plan is to have a really solid core and upper body by the time I can run again!).  I'm sure I looked both skeptical and worried when he told me that I would likely not be able to run the full Flying Pig Marathon and I'd maybe  be able to run the 1/2 marathon.  

I thought, "Okay, like you should get 8 hours of sleep a night, yeah doc I get it."  Then he said it again.  More slowly.  With emphasis.  And I realized-shucks.  I really might not be able to run the full and why should I chance something like that?!  I LOVE RUNNING and what it adds to my life.  I want to continue to do it, and do it well.  SO, I am going to take this injury, in stride, if you will.  I am going to come back strong, and if all the stars align, be able to run safely (or at the least, run/walk the races I've set out to do: the Flying Pig in May; Buckeye Buster 50K in June).  

But for now, Rest, Ice, Elevation, Compression, NSAIDs, repeat.