Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy Training Day!

Hello friends!

I am not entirely sure if anyone reads this blog, and to be honest, it's okay with me.  I realize blogging can be a bit self-serving and I am in no way denying that.  So if you are not me and you are reading this for any particular or peculiar reason and you are not 1) my mom 2) my dad 3) my siblings/ family or 4) my friends;  well, that is pretty wild!  

So today I am writing a short bit to get pumped for a new training season!  I am a big goal setter and this upcoming race is the most extreme I am tackling thus far.  

I have signed up for the Louisville Ironman race on August 24th, 2014.

2.4 mile swim in the Ohio River, followed by a 112 mile bike ride, closing with a measily 26.2 mile run. 

Swim. Bike. Run.


Haha, I am pretty sure I have no idea what world I am getting myself into, but all I know is that I am excited.  I have spent months mentally preparing for the best training plan.  With lots of advice and reading, I have settled on the Don Fink "IronFit" plan with some special ErinMo modificiations.  Because gosh darn it, if I am dedicating as much time and energy and resources into training for this race, I am going to have fun along the way!

My biggest hurdle since I started working as an RN has definitely been those 12hr shifts.  They are both a blessing and a curse to my training schedule.  I won't bore with the details however, I will say that I have come up with a skeleton weekly training schedule that will look something like this:  using my work days as rest days and doing 2-a-day workouts on my off days.  Modifications are necessary.  Life happens.  This is fun!  And most of all, I am no longer nervous about it.  the workouts and time does not seem daunting, rather enticing and invigorating.  

What did I get done today on my off day?  Welp,
1.5 hours of bike riding on my indoor trainer
45 minute run
Hot yoga. 

It's a good training day.  I have the right mentality.  I am so ready for this race and this year!